Walking with God, Literally!

DaveWalkingEvery morning I take a walk. I don’t walk to contribute to my physical well-being, though I’m sure that’s a side benefit. I walk to stay spiritually fit for I talk best to God when I walk. A minister friend of mine referred me to an article by Dan Pallotta about walking. The author quotes Henry David Thoreau who said, “Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” I’ve often said that the two soles of my feet must have a direct connection to my soul because I can pray best when I walk.

I think it all started when I was a boy on an Iowa farm. I would often have to walk to get the cows from the back pasture at the end of the day so my father could milk them. Then too, I recall often taking a short walk on the lane going out to the fields after doing my evening chores. I’d end up talking to God while walking, so walking became my mode of prayer; I’ve just continued the habit all of these years.

The article by Pallotta also references a study which indicates that people who walk or ride a bike at least four times a week think more creatively. I find it true that I can be more creative when I’ve had my walk with the Lord. Speaking of being creative, I believe He is also able to create within me a greater presence of Himself, and mold me more into His image. Like King David I often pray on my walk, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)

Everyone is different, but I’m a firm believer in the prayer walk. Some may kneel or sit when they pray, but I must walk. My walk is a daily appointment with God every morning, come rain or shine, heat or cold. In fact, I’ll be heading out for my walk in just a few minutes. Dawn is just coming and it’s a -6 F. degrees out there! Walking in harsh weather conditions becomes a sacrament for me, expressing resolve to walk with the Lord no matter what life brings. On the other hand, walking on a beautiful morning brings its own rewards of finding praise and thanksgiving flowing more easily as I bask in the beauty of the day.

I have the blessing of walking in nature, not on man-made sidewalks with man-made structures all around. I take a path through the woods behind my place and along the neighbor’s fields. There’s God’s handiwork all around! I often spot deer and sometimes wild turkey. God also paints the eastern sky differently every morning. Each season provides unique delights from budding leaves in spring to falling leaves in autumn.

I sometimes reflect that there is no other human being within a quarter of a mile when I’m out on my walk. It’s God and me, alone with each other. There’s an old hymn titled In the Garden. I know, many think it’s a syrupy type song (including my wife) but I have to admit that I can identify with the lyrics. “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses. And the voice I hear falling on my ear the Son of God discloses. And He walks with me and he talks with me…”

There are different spiritual practices for relating to God in a regular and intimate way, but for me walking works best. I better wrap this up. My walking Partner is waiting!

The Plodding Pastor

tortoise_and_hareA minister friend of mine was sharing some of his struggles. They’ve been through a major building program and thought the enhanced facilities would facilitate numerical growth. It didn’t. He’s been at the church a good long time and has seen a lot of ups and downs. He told me, “I’m a plodder.” He is, and it seems to me that’s good.

Anyone can start a race well; the starting line of a marathon is crowded, the finish line not so much. Anyone can be energetic and put forth good effort, for a short time. To do so for the long haul is a different matter.

Remember Aesop’s fable of the tortoise and the hare? The hare had the advantage with speed, the tortoise with perseverance that translated into plodding, and it won the race for him.

A long and faithful ministry is done one week at a time, one sermon at a time, one Bible study at a time, one day at a time, one hospital or nursing home visit at a time, one (do I have to write this?) board meeting at a time, one conversation at a time.

We pastors have been entrusted with a unique call and, as Paul writes, “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2) My friend’s success in ministry, and mine too, as well as yours, finds its ultimate measure of success in that final debriefing by the Master Himself when, by His grace, we can hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21,23)

Leaving a Foundation, Not a Plaque

Me with Joe, my planned successor at Mayfair-Plymouth

Me with Joe French, my planned successor at Mayfair-Plymouth

I’m nearing the end of my time as the pastor of Mayfair-Plymouth Church. In October I’ll be retiring from this phase of my life after 39 years of pastoring the Lord’s flock. I’m thinking about legacy a lot. What do I want to leave behind? 

Yes, I’d like to be remembered fondly, but I’ve determined this is not the best I should hope for. I want to leave a foundation that can be built upon, not a plaque of myself that can be hung up. 

After I’m gone and as time goes by I pray that new people will become a part of the church who never knew me. If I come back for a visit in a couple of years I can imagine them thinking, or saying to someone else, “So, this is the old guy who used to pastor the church.” 

In my wife’s home church in Leota, Minnesota, there’s a row of pictures of the pastors of the church over the years. Each has the pastor’s name and two dates below the picture, the date the pastor came and the date the pastor left, with a dash between. In God’s grand scheme of things we’re each a dash, of varying length, but a dash nevertheless. There are those who came before and, if the Lord tarries in His coming, there will be those who come after us. 

Each of us is like a link in the chain of pastors at the church we now serve. May the Lord help us to be a good link between the past and the future so His kingdom work continues unbroken, and stronger than ever! 

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4)

Quotable Quote

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Looking for Growth Beyond the Numbers

file0001938132513You can pretty well predict a pastor’s mood on Sunday afternoon by how the attendance figures looked that morning. If the numbers were up then the pastor’s mood is up, if down then the pastor’s mood is down. Some Sunday afternoons finds the pastor’s mood just so so, because attendance was average. 

It’s hard not to play the numbers game. I know, there’s a place for numbers. Each number represents a precious human being possessing a soul we want to see turned to God. But, there’s more than numbers growth, and sometimes we need to celebrate that. 

Take, for instance, a few weeks ago in my own church. A man shared with a small group of us how he found out his ex-wife (it was never his idea she become an ex-wife) was battling cancer. He had to go over to her house to connect with a grown daughter they share together. He related to us how he had a nice and cordial conversation with his ex-wife, telling her how sorry he was to hear of her situation. Then he asked, “Would you like for me to pray for you?” She responded, “That would be nice.” So he did. He told us, “You know, a few years ago I would never have done that.” 

Now that’s growth in a church, spiritual growth! I’d encourage all of us to be sensitive to seeing where spiritual growth is happening among our people. It could be a real encouragement to be reminded that God is doing some pretty great things in our midst, and it may have nothing to do with numbers!

My Retirement, a Fresh Call from God

MayfairPlymouthCrossCropI announced my retirement from being the senior pastor at Mayfair-Plymouth at our annual celebration/congregational meeting in January.  The Lord willing, by my retirement this coming October I will have completed 39 years of ministry at M-P and into my 40th year.  What follows is the letter I wrote to the congregation.

From Pastor Dave:

God is doing His good and great work in our Mayfair-Plymouth Church Family. Part of what He has been doing is leading us through a process of transition in which Pastor Joe is to be your next senior pastor. As you recall, I had announced my intention to retire in October of 2015. The transition is going well, so well that I believe God is leading us to shorten this transition. Therefore it is my intention to retire a year earlier, in October of this year, 2014. By God’s grace we will conclude our ministry at Mayfair-Plymouth on Sunday, October 12.

This decision has not been made lightly. First, let me say that this decision was made by me and my wife Diann. No one has suggested moving the date up. When I told Rupert he was surprised, but came to respect my decision. A week later I told Joe of my plans and he too was surprised.

Several factors have played into the decision. I really do believe the transition is going very well and that another year would make the transition too long. In October it will be time for the church to move on with a new senior pastor, Pastor Joe.

I truly believe that God calls a pastor to step away from a church as well as step into a church. I felt God’s calling in 1975 to be the pastor of Mayfair-Plymouth and now I feel God’s release from His calling upon me as pastor of Mayfair-Plymouth. I prayed in seminary that the Lord would call me to a church “for a good long time, if not a lifetime.” Mayfair-Plymouth has been my lifetime pastoral ministry, and I believe it is coming to a close.

Since our grandson Danny’s death this past year Diann and I have both felt an urgency to come alongside both of our adult children and our grandchildren. Life here on earth is short. We want to embrace our new calling to be with them.

Both Diann and I don’t see this so much as retiring as God calling us to a new phase in our lives. Our plans are to divide our time between our daughter Julie and her family in Mexico and our son Dan and his family in Tampa, Florida. In Florida I hope to mentor and encourage younger pastors as well as focus more on writing and photography. In Mexico I’ll be able to fulfill my dream as a little boy to be a missionary; we’ll be missionaries along with Julie and Victor!

We’ll be selling our house and hope to move immediately after our retirement in mid-October and settle near Dan and the family in the Tampa area. Then, soon after Christmas, we’ll head to Mexico to begin building a small house at Refuge Ranch.

There is, of course, a sadness about our leaving. We have lived so much of life together with you, our church family! We all will grieve this transition. I have to remind myself, and I remind you too, that this day was to come sooner or later. It’s just happening a bit sooner.

We won’t be dropping off the edge of the earth. I’ll continue to write, share photography, and videos on my web site. You’re invited to keep in touch via e-mail. You’re also invited to stop by either in Florida or Mexico for a visit. There will be a guest room waiting for you in both locations!

The plan, as agreed upon by the congregation several months ago, is to have a special congregational meeting in the not-too-distant future at which time there will be a vote to officially call Pastor Joe as your new senior pastor, to take effect when I retire in mid-October. Pastor Rupert plans on staying as one of your pastors for a few months after my retirement to further facilitate the transition.

Though Diann and I have rejoiced in being a part of the life of Mayfair-Plymouth for such a long time (and part of your life too!) the church will go on without us. The vitality of Mayfair-Plymouth and your own spiritual walk with the Lord is dependent on the Lord, not any human being. Depend on Him! Love Him! Walk with Him! Yes, just stay close to Jesus!

With love, always, for His precious church, Mayfair-Plymouth,

Pastor Dave (and Diann)

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