A Vacation Can Be Good for the Pastor’s Heart

I recall asking our church board for some vacation time.  They always granted it (so I guess I should have felt blessed), but not without comments such as “Again?” or “I wish I could take some time off,” or “How many weeks have you taken this year already?”

We can easily fall into the trap of thinking that if we don’t take any time off the extra effort will reap positive results in the church.  The opposite is usually true. The old proverb says, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”  All work and no play for the pastor will likely make for a dull preacher, and an exhausted one as well.

I was fortunate that my church gave me four weeks of vacation a year.  In over 39 years at the church I took all four weeks every year and have never regretted doing so!

The following link is a great article on the subject by Stephanie Dyrness Lobdell. Enjoy, and begin planning that next vacation!