The Power of Encouragement

EncouragementBrightSmall“I could use a little more encouragement around here” is something we often mumble to ourselves as pastors. Criticism seems so easy for parishioners to express; encouragement, not so much. Encouragement seems to be important, probably because it’s in short supply! I still have a file that has virtually every kind, thankful, or encouraging note I received during my years of pastoring. I’ve thrown away every critical note! In all fairness to the congregation I served for nearly forty years, I think I received a lot of encouragement. Still, it was easy to get discouraged, a common complaint of most pastors, from what I hear.

Yes, we pastors need encouraging, but that’s not where this post is going! Let me be blunt; it’s not all about us! Our parishioners are in desperate need of encouragement too! It seems to me that what we need to do is to forget for a moment our own need for encouragement and take the initiative to encourage those in our congregation. What’s amazing, and we know this, for we have probably preached it a dozen times, is that when we push ourselves to encourage someone else we’re encouraged ourselves! We’re encouraged because we know we’re doing something good and worthwhile for another person, and often (not always) we see how it impacts that person in a positive way.

One of the best ways we can pastor the people is to encourage them! So, let me encourage you by the reminder that you have tremendous influence as a pastor, and one of the greatest ways to influence those under your care is to encourage them!

Today, make that phone call, send that e-mail, message that person on facebook, send a note through the mail, start a conversation with that person who’s within earshot.

Today, praise the person for a quality or characteristic you admire in them. Say, “Thanks!” for something they’ve said or done. Listen, just listen, without giving advice or telling a story to top theirs. Do that sacrificial, often seemingly small, good deed. Give a hug, a thumbs up, or a pat on the back. Just BE THERE with the person. Pray for the person and tell them you did.

Be a real pastor to your people! Be an encourager today!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing… encourage the fainthearted.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11,14)