“Live by Faith on Your Face”

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is stanleycharles.jpgCharles Stanley, the well-known pastor and writer is now 88 years old. In my opinion he oozes godliness, and when you add that to the wisdom that can come from many years of living, well, I’m ready to listen to anything Dr. Stanley has to say. Here’s a thought of his on prayer.

“I start the day on my knees with the Lord. I end it that way. And oftentimes I’ll be studying and think, ‘It’s time for me to ask the Lord about something here.’ And so for me, that’s the key. It’s the key to everything. Because what you are doing, you’re acknowledging God at the moment—you need his help, his insight, his understanding, or his courage, or his faith, whatever it might be.

“I would say to anybody: the greatest lesson you can learn is to learn to live by faith on your face before God. You can face anything, no matter what it is. He said, ‘I’ll never leave you or forsake you,’ but if I’m so busy I’m not listening to him, I’m not waiting for him, I’m not expecting him to do something—I think people face a lot of circumstances and go through a lot of heartache and trouble that would be unnecessary if they would just stop and listen.”

Taken from Christianitytoday.com at https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2016/september-web-only/charles-stanley.html