Facebook vs. Books & Facebook Wins?

During my pastoral ministry I was fairly intentional about reading books. I had the goal of reading the first hour in my church office each mornig. I didn’t always achieve that goal, but it helped just having it in mind.

This blog focuses on the pastor’s heart. One of the genres I attempted to dive into regularly in my reading were the kinds of books that would nurture my heart and soul.

True confession time: Now I’m retired, and I read less than I did when I was pastoring full time! Part of the problem is that I now have facebook, something that wasn’t in existence during my pastoral ministry and therefore not a temptation.

One of my favorite authors, Philip Yancey, has written on this new reality of reading fewer books. You can check out his blog post here .

I’ve determined I’m going to raise the bar when it comes to reading book. A good book can do the heart good, especially the pastor’s heart!